Courses taught at StFX
BIOL 203 - Introductory Ecology
BIOL 298 - Experimental Design and Data
Analysis in Biology
BIOL 308 - Biology of Populations
BIOL 311 - Coastal Marine Ecology
BIOL 360 - Global Change Biology
BIOL 415 - Biogeography
BIOL 499 - Directed Studies
BIOL 511 - Advanced Marine Ecology
BIOL 571 - Advanced Topics in Ecology
Courses taught at other institutions
Experimental Intertidal Ecology
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile)
Biology 405, Marine Ecology
Biology 448, Directed Studies
(University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Biology 430, Marine Ecology
(Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, BC, Canada)
Biology 140, Introductory Marine & Freshwater Ecology
(University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Marine Ecology
(Northwest Biological Research Centre -CIBNOR-, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico)
Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis in Seaweed Ecology
(Interdisciplinary Marine Sciences Centre -CICIMAR-, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico)
Biology 209, Nonvascular Plants
Biology 210, Vascular Plants
Biology 320, Survey of the Algae
Biology 110, 115, 120, Introductory Biology
(University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Biology of Cryptogams
Introductory Botany
Introductory Zoology
Introductory Ecology
(University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)