Research Grants and Scholarships
- NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) Discovery Grant, Can$ 140,000 (2022-2027)
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Can$ 120,000 (2017-2022)
- University Council for Research, Can$ 2,000 (2017)
- Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) grant, Can$ 10,000 (2016-2017)
- University Council for Research, Can$ 2,000 (2016)
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Can$ 130,000 (2012-2017)
- Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) grant, Can$ 10,000 (2012-2013)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Infrastructure Operating Fund, Can$ 20,000 (2011)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Leaders Opportunity Grant, Can$ 75,000 (2010)
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Can$ 40,000 (2010-2011)
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) grant, Can$ 500,000 (2009-2014)
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Can$ 105,500 (2006-2011)
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Can$ 30,000 (2006-2008)
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) grant, Can$ 500,000 (2004-2009)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Equipment Grant, Can$ 112,000 (2004-2005)
- St. Francis Xavier University start-up research grant, Can$ 15,000 (2004-2006)
- NSERC Visiting Fellowship (2002-2003)
- Scientist-in-Residence Award (Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Bamfield, Canada), Can$ 8,750 (2002-2003)
- CONACYT (Mexican Science and Technology Council) research grant, Can$ 74,000 (2001-2002)
- CIBNOR (Northwest Biological Research Center, Mexico) research grants, US$ 5,800 (2000) and US$ 7,500 (1999)
- Travel Funds (CIBNOR, Mexico), US$ 2,000 to attend the XVI International Botanical Congress (St. Louis, USA, 1999)
- CONACYT "Visiting Professor" fellowship, US$ 16,800 (1998)
- Organization of American States (OAS) Graduate Fellowship, US$ 9,400 (1996) and US$ 3,500 (1997)
- Kit Malkin Scholarship (University of British Columbia -UBC-, Canada), Can$ 1,000 (1995)
- University of British Columbia Graduate Fellowship (UGF), Can$ 19,000 (1995-1997)
- Edith Ashton Memorial Scholarship (UBC), Can$ 500 (1995)
- Travel Funds (Organizing Committee of XIII ISS-Vancouver), Can$ 600 (1994) to attend the XV International Seaweed Symposium (Valdivia, Chile)
- Travel Funds (UBC), Can$ 500 (1994) to attend the XV International Seaweed Symposium (Valdivia, Chile)
- Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (Canada) Graduate Award, Can$ 500 for field work.
- Red Latinoamericana de Botánica (Latin-American Botany Network), US$ 500 + registration fee (1994) to attend the VI Latin-American Congress of Botany (Mar del Plata, Argentina)
- Research Funds (Ron Foreman, UBC, Canada), Can$ 2,000 (1994) as research support for the 1994 summer.
- International Organization for Migrations (IOM) Travel Funds, US$ 900 (1992) to move to Canada to start my PhD program.
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Research Fellowship, Can$ 8,000 (1991), held at Saint Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Congress Organizing Commitee. Travel Funds, US$ 1,000 (1991) to attend the IV International Phycological Congress, Duke University, USA
- Red Latinoamericana de Botánica (Latin-American Network of Botany) Research Fellowship, US$ 1,700 (1990), held at the University of Concepción, Chile.
- Student Society of UBA (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) Travel Funds (1985) to attend the XII National Congress of Ecology, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina.
- NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) Discovery Grant, Can$ 140,000 (2022-2027)
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Can$ 120,000 (2017-2022)
- University Council for Research, Can$ 2,000 (2017)
- Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) grant, Can$ 10,000 (2016-2017)
- University Council for Research, Can$ 2,000 (2016)
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Can$ 130,000 (2012-2017)
- Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) grant, Can$ 10,000 (2012-2013)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Infrastructure Operating Fund, Can$ 20,000 (2011)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Leaders Opportunity Grant, Can$ 75,000 (2010)
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Can$ 40,000 (2010-2011)
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) grant, Can$ 500,000 (2009-2014)
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Can$ 105,500 (2006-2011)
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Can$ 30,000 (2006-2008)
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) grant, Can$ 500,000 (2004-2009)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Equipment Grant, Can$ 112,000 (2004-2005)
- St. Francis Xavier University start-up research grant, Can$ 15,000 (2004-2006)
- NSERC Visiting Fellowship (2002-2003)
- Scientist-in-Residence Award (Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Bamfield, Canada), Can$ 8,750 (2002-2003)
- CONACYT (Mexican Science and Technology Council) research grant, Can$ 74,000 (2001-2002)
- CIBNOR (Northwest Biological Research Center, Mexico) research grants, US$ 5,800 (2000) and US$ 7,500 (1999)
- Travel Funds (CIBNOR, Mexico), US$ 2,000 to attend the XVI International Botanical Congress (St. Louis, USA, 1999)
- CONACYT "Visiting Professor" fellowship, US$ 16,800 (1998)
- Organization of American States (OAS) Graduate Fellowship, US$ 9,400 (1996) and US$ 3,500 (1997)
- Kit Malkin Scholarship (University of British Columbia -UBC-, Canada), Can$ 1,000 (1995)
- University of British Columbia Graduate Fellowship (UGF), Can$ 19,000 (1995-1997)
- Edith Ashton Memorial Scholarship (UBC), Can$ 500 (1995)
- Travel Funds (Organizing Committee of XIII ISS-Vancouver), Can$ 600 (1994) to attend the XV International Seaweed Symposium (Valdivia, Chile)
- Travel Funds (UBC), Can$ 500 (1994) to attend the XV International Seaweed Symposium (Valdivia, Chile)
- Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (Canada) Graduate Award, Can$ 500 for field work.
- Red Latinoamericana de Botánica (Latin-American Botany Network), US$ 500 + registration fee (1994) to attend the VI Latin-American Congress of Botany (Mar del Plata, Argentina)
- Research Funds (Ron Foreman, UBC, Canada), Can$ 2,000 (1994) as research support for the 1994 summer.
- International Organization for Migrations (IOM) Travel Funds, US$ 900 (1992) to move to Canada to start my PhD program.
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Research Fellowship, Can$ 8,000 (1991), held at Saint Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Congress Organizing Commitee. Travel Funds, US$ 1,000 (1991) to attend the IV International Phycological Congress, Duke University, USA
- Red Latinoamericana de Botánica (Latin-American Network of Botany) Research Fellowship, US$ 1,700 (1990), held at the University of Concepción, Chile.
- Student Society of UBA (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) Travel Funds (1985) to attend the XII National Congress of Ecology, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina.