Publications (151) The PDF links provided in this webpage can be used only for non-commercial research and education, according to the Fair Dealing provision in the Copyright Act. Scrosati, R.A. (2025). The interspecific abundance-occupancy relationship in invertebrate metacommunities associated with intertidal mussel patches. Ecologies 6: article 4. PDF Cameron, N.M. & R.A. Scrosati (2025). Who creates homes for organisms on marine shores? Frontiers in Young Minds, in press. Cameron, N.M., R.A. Scrosati, N. Valdivia & Z.D. Meunier (2024). Global taxonomic and functional patterns in invertebrate assemblages from rocky-intertidal mussel beds. Scientific Reports 14: article 26. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2024). Recovery of intertidal mussel stands three years after the severe 2021 heatwave in British Columbia, Canada. Diversity 16: article 396. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2024). Massive barnacle recruitment on the Gulf of St. Lawrence coast of Nova Scotia (Canada) in 2024 linked to increased sea surface temperature. PeerJ 12: article e18208. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2024). Changes in the composition of invertebrate assemblages from wave-exposed intertidal mussel stands along the Nova Scotia coast, Canada. PeerJ 12: article e17697. PDF Levangie, N.D. & R.A. Scrosati (2024). Trends in ocean temperature influencing snow crab catch along the Scotian Shelf. Journal of Sea Research 200: article 102519. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & N.M. Cameron (2024). Recolonization of intertidal mussels in Nova Scotia (Canada) after their mass disappearance following the severe 2023 winter cold snap. Diversity 16: article 503. PDF Cameron, N.M., R.A. Scrosati & N. Valdivia (2024). Structural and functional properties of foundation species (mussels vs. seaweeds) predict functional aspects of the associated communities. Community Ecology 25: 65-74. PDF Leal, I., J. Thyrring, A.A.V. Flores, P. Archambault, R. Collin, M.K. Sejr, R.A. Scrosati & R. Tremblay (2024). Fatty acid composition as a function of latitude in barnacle cyprid larvae. Limnology and Oceanography 69: 1577-1592. PDF Büchner-Miranda, J.A., L.P. Salas-Yanquin, N. Valdivia, R.A. Scrosati, B. Riedemann-Saldivia, V.M. Cubillos & O.R. Chaparro (2024). Responses of mussels (Perumytilus purpuratus) to waterborne exudate cues from predatory snails (Acanthina monodon) depend on cue intensity. Marine Biology 171: article 107. PDF Ellrich, J.A. & R.A. Scrosati (2024). Extremely rare finding of a chiton (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) in a rocky intertidal habitat in Nova Scotia (Canada). Diversity 16: article 667. PDF Cameron, N.M. & R.A. Scrosati (2024). Dramatic ecological changes after an unusual winter cold snap. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 105: article e02114. Link Scrosati, R.A. (2023). Further loss of intertidal mussel stands on the Nova Scotia coast (Canada) after the passage of cyclone Lee. Diversity 15: article 1150. PDF Cameron, N.M. & R.A. Scrosati (2023). Mass disappearance of intertidal mussels after an unusual winter cold snap in eastern Canada. Ecology 104: article e4179. PDF Catalán, A.M., D.N. López, E. Fica-Rojas, B.R. Broitman, N. Valdivia & R.A. Scrosati (2023). Foundation species canopies affect understory beta diversity differently depending on species mobility. Ecology 104: article e3999. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & N.M. Cameron (2023). Mass bleaching in intertidal canopy-forming seaweeds after unusually low winter air temperatures in Atlantic Canada. Diversity 15: article 750. PDF Manning, A.M. & R.A. Scrosati (2023). Are pelagic mussel stages chemically attracted to barnacle stands for settlement? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21: 23. Link Catalán, A.M., D.N. López, E. Fica-Rojas, B.R. Broitman, N. Valdivia & R.A. Scrosati (2023). Effects of canopies of foundation species on understory beta diversity. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 104: article e02060. PDF Scrosati, R.A., M.J. Freeman, J.A. Ellrich & W. Petzold (2022). Biogeography of algae and invertebrates from wave-exposed rocky intertidal habitats along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Canada): Latitudinal and interannual patterns and possible underlying drivers. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: article 987162. PDF van Genne, B. & R.A. Scrosati (2022). The interspecific abundance-occupancy relationship in rocky intertidal communities. Marine Biology Research 18: 13-18. PDF Riedemann-Saldivia, B., J.A. Büchner-Miranda, L.P. Salas-Yanquin, N. Valdivia, A.M. Catalán, R.A. Scrosati & O.R. Chaparro (2022). Non-consumptive effects of a predatory snail (Acanthina monodon) on a dominant habitat-forming mussel species (Perumytilus purpuratus). Marine Environmental Research 175: article 105573. PDF Scrosati, R.A., A.M. Catalán & N. Valdivia (2022). Can predator cue effects on a foundation species alter community functioning? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20: 9. Link Scrosati, R.A. (2022). Low winter extremes in intertidal temperature in Nova Scotia in the absence of an ice foot. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: article 811545. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & J.K. Holt (2021). Recruitment and post-recruitment dynamics of the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides on a wave-exposed headland in Atlantic Canada. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: article 799514. PDF Scrosati, R.A., A.M. Catalán & N. Valdivia (2021). Macroalgal canopies reduce beta diversity in intertidal communities. Botanica Marina 64: 419-425. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2021). Nonconsumptive predator effects on prey demography: Recent advances using intertidal invertebrates. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: article 626869. PDF This article has also been included as a chapter in an E-Book by Frontiers Media. Catalán, A.M., J. Büchner-Miranda, B. Riedemann, O.R. Chaparro, N. Valdivia & R.A. Scrosati (2021). Community-wide consequences of nonconsumptive predator effects on a foundation species. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 1307-1316. PDF Scrosati, R.A., L.P. Arribas & L. Donnarumma (2021). The hidden biodiversity of intertidal mussel beds under contrasting wave exposures. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 102: article e01811. Link Scrosati, R.A. (2021). Striking barnacle recruitment patterns driven by larval settlement cues? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19: 207. Link Scrosati, R.A., M.J. Freeman & J.E. Ellrich (2020). The subhabitat dependence of biogeographic pattern. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: article 550612. PDF Scrosati, R.A., J.A. Ellrich & M.J. Freeman (2020). Half-hourly changes in intertidal temperature at nine wave-exposed locations along the Atlantic Canadian coast: a 5.5-year study. Earth System Science Data 12: 2695-2703. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2020). Latitudinal and seasonal changes in intertidal sea surface temperature along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: article 592. PDF Catalán, A.M., N. Valdivia & R.A. Scrosati (2020). Interhemispheric comparison of scale-dependent spatial variation in the structure of intertidal rocky-shore communities. Ecosphere 11: article e03068. PDF Wei, C.L., M. Cusson, P. Archambault, R. Belley, T. Brown, B.J. Burd, E. Edinger, E. Kenchington, K. Gilkinson, P. Lawton, H. Link, P.A. Ramey-Balci, R.A. Scrosati & P.V.R. Snelgrove (2020). Seafloor biodiversity of Canada's three oceans: patterns, hotspots, and potential drivers. Diversity and Distributions 26: 226-241. PDF Scrosati, R.A., L.P. Arribas & L. Donnarumma (2020). Abundance data for invertebrate assemblages from intertidal mussel beds along the Atlantic Canadian coast. Ecology 101: article e03137. Link Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2020). Marked contrast in wind-driven upwelling on the southeastern Nova Scotia coast in July of two years differing in ENSO conditions. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 49: 81-87. PDF Leal, I., A.A.V. Flores, R.A. Scrosati & R. Tremblay (2020). Cyprid larvae of the acorn barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (Cirripedia) can metamorphose to juveniles without being permanently attached to a substrate. Journal of Crustacean Biology 40: 209-212. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2020). Upwelling spike and marked SST drop after the arrival of cyclone Dorian to the Atlantic Canadian coast. Journal of Sea Research 159: article 101888. PDF Scrosati, R.A., H.L. MacDonald, C.A. Córdova & G.N. Casas (2020). Length and biomass data for Atlantic and Pacific seaweeds from both hemispheres. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: article 592675. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2020). Predation front on an environmental gradient. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18: 361. Link Scrosati, R.A. (2020). Effects of intertidal elevation on barnacle recruit density and size in wave-exposed habitats on the Atlantic Canadian coast. Northeastern Naturalist 27: 186-194. PDF Stratmann, T., D. van Oevelen, P. Martínez Arbizu, C.L. Wei, J.X. Liao, M. Cusson, R.A. Scrosati, P. Archambault, P.V.R. Snelgrove, P.A. Ramey-Balci, B.J. Burd, E. Kenchington, K. Gilkinson, R. Belley & K. Soetaert (2020). The BenBioDen database, a global database for meio-, macro-, and megabenthic biomass and densities. Scientific Data 7: article 206. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2020). Cyclone-driven coastal upwelling and cooling depend on location relative to the cyclone's path: evidence from Dorian's arrival to Atlantic Canada. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: article 651. PDF Catalán, A.M., N. Valdivia & R.A. Scrosati (2020). Spatial variation in community structure and the underlying environmental variation. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101: article e01763. Link Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2019). A 5-year study (2014-2018) of the relationship between coastal phytoplankton abundance and intertidal barnacle size along the Atlantic Canadian coast. PeerJ 7: article e6892. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & M.J. Freeman (2019). Density of intertidal barnacles along their full elevational range of distribution conforms to the abundant-centre hypothesis. PeerJ 7: article e6719. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2019). Frozen at low tide. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17: 181. Link Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2018). Benthic-pelagic coupling and bottom-up forcing in rocky intertidal communities along the Atlantic Canadian coast. Ecosphere 9: article e02229. PDF Photos of locations (figshare) - Videos of locations (figshare) Ehlers, S.M., R.A. Scrosati & J.A. Ellrich (2018). Nonconsumptive predator effects on prey demography: dogwhelk cues decrease benthic mussel recruitment. Journal of Zoology 305: 240-245. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2018). Thermal moderation of the intertidal zone by seaweed canopies in winter. Marine Biology 165: article 115. PDF Boudreau, M.L., R.A. Scrosati & M.C. Wong (2018). Predator (Carcinus maenas) nonconsumptive limitation of prey (Nucella lapillus) feeding depends on prey density and predator cue type. Journal of Ethology 36: 259-264. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2018). Benthic-pelagic links along the Atlantic Canadian coast. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 99: article e01422. PDF Sherker, Z.T., J.A. Ellrich & R.A. Scrosati (2017). Predator-induced shell plasticity in mussels hinders predation by drilling snails. Marine Ecology Progress Series 573: 167-175. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2017). Unimodal relationship between small-scale barnacle recruitment and the density of pre-existing barnacle adults. PeerJ 5: article e3444. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2017). Community-level facilitation by macroalgal foundation species peaks at an intermediate level of environmental stress. Algae 32: 41-46. PDF Ellrich, J.A. & R.A. Scrosati (2016). Water motion modulates predator nonconsumptive limitation of prey recruitment. Ecosphere 7: article e01402. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & J.A. Ellrich (2016). A 12-year record of intertidal barnacle recruitment in Atlantic Canada (2005-2016): relationships with sea surface temperature and phytoplankton abundance. PeerJ 4: article e2623. PDF Ellrich, J.A., R.A. Scrosati, C. Bertolini & M. Molis (2016). A predator has nonconsumptive effects on different life-history stages of a prey. Marine Biology 163: article 5. PDF Ellrich, J.A., R.A. Scrosati, K. Romoth & M. Molis (2016). Adult prey neutralizes predator nonconsumptive limitation of prey recruitment. PLoS ONE 11 (4): article e0154572. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2016). The clonal seaweed Chondrus crispus as a foundation species. Algae 31: 41-48. PDF - Highlighted in the March cover Vieira, V.M.N.C.S., J. Creed, R.A. Scrosati, A. Santos, G. Dutschke, F. Leitão, A.H. Engelen, O.R. Huanel, M.L. Guillemin, M. Mateus & R. Neves (2016). On the choice of linear regression algorithms for biological and ecological applications. Annual Research and Review in Biology 10 (3): 1-9. PDF See the cover picture of volume 94 (2016) of the Canadian Journal of Zoology, showing northern gannets from Helgoland Island, Germany (photo by R.A. Scrosati) Ellrich, J.A., R.A. Scrosati & M. Molis (2015). Predator nonconsumptive effects on prey recruitment weaken with recruit density. Ecology 96: 611-616. PDF - Highlighted in the March cover Molis, M., R.A. Scrosati, E.F. El-Belely, T. Lesniowski & M. Wahl (2015). Wave-induced changes in seaweed toughness entail plastic modifications in snail traits maintaining consumption efficacy. Journal of Ecology 103: 851-859. PDF - Highlighted in the July issue Musetta-Lambert, J.L., R.A. Scrosati, E.A. Keppel, M.A. Barbeau, M.A. Skinner & S.C. Courtenay (2015). Intertidal communities differ between breakwaters and natural rocky areas on ice-scoured Northwest Atlantic coasts. Marine Ecology Progress Series 539: 19-31. PDF Keppel, E.A., R.A. Scrosati & S.C. Courtenay (2015). Interactive effects of ocean acidification and warming on subtidal mussels and sea stars from Atlantic Canada. Marine Biology Research 11: 337-348. PDF Ellrich, J.A., R.A. Scrosati & W. Petzold (2015). Predator density affects nonconsumptive predator limitation of prey recruitment: field experimental evidence. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 472: 72-76. PDF Ellrich, J.A., R.A. Scrosati & M. Molis (2015). Predator nonconsumptive effects on prey recruitment. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 96: 478-480. PDF Watt, C.A. & R.A. Scrosati (2014). Experimental and mensurative data on the abundance of primary producers and consumers from intertidal habitats in Canada. Ecology 95: 1429. PDF Arribas, L.P., L. Donnarumma, M.G. Palomo & R.A. Scrosati (2014). Intertidal mussels as ecosystem engineers: their associated invertebrate biodiversity under contrasting wave exposures. Marine Biodiversity 44: 203-211. PDF Tam, J.C. & R.A. Scrosati (2014). Distribution of cryptic mussel species (Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus) along wave exposure gradients on northwest Atlantic rocky shores. Marine Biology Research 10: 51-60. PDF Petzold, W. & R.A. Scrosati (2014). Differential recolonization of Atlantic intertidal habitats after disturbance reveals potential bottom-up community regulation. F1000Research 3: article 247. Link Garbary, D.J., A.G. Miller & R.A. Scrosati (2014). Ascophyllum nodosum and its symbionts: XI. The epiphyte Vertebrata lanosa performs better photosynthetically when attached to Ascophyllum than when alone. Algae 29: 321-331. PDF Petzold, W., M.T. Willers & R.A. Scrosati (2014). Visual record of intertidal disturbance caused by sea ice in the spring on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. F1000Research 3: article 112. Link Watt, C.A. & R.A. Scrosati (2014). Seaweeds as ecosystem engineers. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 95: 250-251. PDF Watt, C.A. & R.A. Scrosati (2013). Regional consistency of intertidal elevation as a mediator of seaweed canopy effects on benthic species richness, diversity, and composition. Marine Ecology Progress Series 491: 91-99. PDF Beermann, A.J., J.A. Ellrich, M. Molis & R.A. Scrosati (2013). Effects of seaweed canopies and adult barnacles on barnacle recruitment: the interplay of positive and negative influences. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 448: 162-170. PDF Watt, C.A. & R.A. Scrosati (2013). Bioengineer effects on understory species richness, diversity, and composition change along an environmental stress gradient: experimental and mensurative evidence. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 123: 10-18. PDF Zwerschke, N., M. Bollen, M. Molis & R.A. Scrosati (2013). An environmental stress model correctly predicts unimodal trends in overall species richness and diversity along intertidal elevation gradients. Helgoland Marine Research 67: 663-674. PDF Scrosati, R.A. (2013). Patchy mussel dominance on ice-scoured rocky shores in Atlantic Canada. Marine Biodiversity 43: 251-252. PDF Kang, E.J., R.A. Scrosati & D.J. Garbary (2013). Physiological ecology of photosynthesis in Prasiola stipitata (Trebouxiophyceae) from the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Phycological Research 61: 208–216. PDF See the cover picture of volume 91 (2013) of the Canadian Journal of Zoology, showing sea stars on an intertidal mussel bed from Vancouver Island, British Columbia (photo by R.A. Scrosati) Johnston, B.R., M. Molis & R.A. Scrosati (2012). Predator chemical cues affect prey feeding activity differently in juveniles and adults. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 128-132. PDF Keppel, E.A., R.A. Scrosati & S.C. Courtenay (2012). Ocean acidification decreases growth and development in American lobster (Homarus americanus) larvae. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 44: 61-66. PDF Reprinted in The Reference Shelf 86 (3), (2014). PDF Scrosati, R.A., J.L. Grant & J.D. Brewster (2012). Density and size gradients across species distribution ranges: testing predictions from the abundant-centre model using the vertical distribution of intertidal barnacles. Vie et Milieu - Life and Environment 62: 197-202. PDF Eckersley, L.K. & R.A. Scrosati (2012). Temperature, desiccation, and species performance trends along an intertidal elevation gradient. Current Development in Oceanography 5 (2): 59-73. Link - PDF Scrosati, R.A., B. van Genne, C.S. Heaven & C.A. Watt (2011). Species richness and diversity in different functional groups across environmental stress gradients: a model for marine rocky shores. Ecography 34: 151-161. PDF Valdivia, N., R.A. Scrosati, M. Molis & A.S. Knox (2011). Variation in community structure across vertical intertidal stress gradients: how does it compare with horizontal variation at different scales? PLoS ONE 6 (8): article e24062. PDF Tam, J.C. & R.A. Scrosati (2011). Mussel and dogwhelk distribution along the NW Atlantic coast: testing predictions derived from the abundant-centre model. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1536-1545. PDF Scrosati, R.A., R.D. Patten & R.F. Lauff (2011). Positive interspecific relationship between temporal occurrence and abundance in insects. PLoS ONE 6 (4): article e18982. PDF Cole, S.W.B., R.A. Scrosati, J.C. Tam & A.V. Sussmann (2011). Regional decoupling between NW Atlantic barnacle recruit and adult density is related to changes in pelagic food supply and benthic disturbance. Journal of Sea Research 65: 33-37. PDF Scrosati, R.A., A.S. Knox, N. Valdivia & M. Molis (2011). Species richness and diversity across rocky intertidal elevation gradients in Helgoland: testing predictions from an environmental stress model. Helgoland Marine Research 65: 91–102. PDF Sussmann, A.V. & R.A. Scrosati (2011). Morphological variation in Acrosiphonia arcta (Codiolales, Chlorophyta) from environmentally different habitats in Nova Scotia, Canada. Rhodora 113: 87-105. PDF Scrosati, R.A. & C.M. Longtin (2010). Field evaluation of epiphyte recruitment (Vertebrata lanosa, Rhodophyta) in different microsite types on host fronds (Ascophyllum nodosum, Phaeophyceae). Phycological Research 58: 138-142. PDF - See Cover Picture Belt, K.M., S.W.B. Cole & R.A. Scrosati (2009). Intertidal barnacles as indicators of the intensity of scour by sea ice. Marine Ecology Progress Series 381: 183-187. PDF Longtin, C.M., R.A. Scrosati, G.B. Whalen & D.J. Garbary (2009). Distribution of algal epiphytes across environmental gradients at different scales: intertidal elevation, host canopies, and host fronds. Journal of Phycology 45: 820-827. PDF Longtin, C.M. & R.A. Scrosati (2009). Role of surface wounds and brown algal epiphytes in the colonization of Ascophyllum nodosum (Phaeophyceae) fronds by Vertebrata lanosa (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 45: 535-539. PDF Heaven, C.S. & R.A. Scrosati (2008). Benthic community composition across gradients of intertidal elevation, wave exposure, and ice scour in Atlantic Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369: 13-23. PDF MacPherson, E.A., R. Scrosati & P. Chareka (2008). Barnacle recruitment on ice-scoured shores in eastern Canada. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88: 289-291. PDF Rivera, M. & R. Scrosati (2008). Self-thinning and size inequality dynamics in a clonal seaweed (Sargassum lapazeanum, Phaeophyceae). Journal of Phycology 44: 45-49. PDF MacPherson, E.A. & R. Scrosati (2008). Population structure of the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (Cirripedia) across intertidal environmental stress gradients in northern Nova Scotia, Canada. Crustaceana 81: 725-736. PDF Scrosati, R. & C. Heaven (2008). Trends in abundance of rocky intertidal seaweeds and filter feeders across gradients of elevation, wave exposure, and ice scour in eastern Canada. Hydrobiologia 603: 1-14. PDF - See Cover Picture Garbary, D.J., A.G. Miller, R. Scrosati, K.Y. Kim & W.B. Schofield (2008). Distribution and salinity tolerance of intertidal mosses from Nova Scotian salt marshes. The Bryologist 111: 282-291. PDF Rivera, M. & R. Scrosati (2008). Corrigendum. Self-thinning and size inequality dynamics in a clonal seaweed (Sargassum lapazeanum, Phaeophyceae) (44: 45-9). Journal of Phycology 44: 1630. PDF Scrosati, R. & C. Heaven (2007). Spatial trends in community richness, diversity, and evenness across rocky intertidal environmental stress gradients in eastern Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series 342: 1-14. (Feature Article) PDF Scrosati, R. & L.K. Eckersley (2007). Thermal insulation of the intertidal zone by the ice foot. Journal of Sea Research 58: 331-334. PDF Scrosati, R. & C. Heaven (2006). Field technique to quantify intensity of scouring by sea ice in rocky intertidal habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 320: 293-295. PDF Scrosati, R. (2006). Length-biomass allometry in primary producers: predominantly bidimensional seaweeds differ from the "universal" interspecific trend defined by microalgae and vascular plants. Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 1159-1166. PDF Rivera, M. & R. Scrosati (2006). Population dynamics of Sargassum lapazeanum (Fucales, Phaeophyta) from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Phycologia 45: 178-189. PDF Scrosati, R. (2006). Crowding in clonal seaweeds: does self-thinning occur in Mastocarpus papillatus shortly before stand biomass peaks? Aquatic Botany 84: 233-238. PDF Garbary, D., R. Scrosati & B. Taylor (2006). Floristic survey of Canso Coastal Barrens Wilderness Area. Nova Scotia Environment and Labour, Environmental and Natural Areas Management Division, Protected Areas Branch, Technical Note No. 06/01, 5 p. PDF Scrosati, R. (2005). Review of studies on biomass-density relationships (including self-thinning lines) in seaweeds: main contributions and persisting misconceptions. Phycological Research 53: 224-233. PDF - See Cover Picture Sussmann, A.V., R. Scrosati & R.E. DeWreede (2005). Seasonal synchrony of a green algal endophyte, Acrosiphonia (Codiolales), with its red algal hosts, Mastocarpus and Mazzaella (Gigartinales). Phycologia 44: 129-132. PDF Breceda, A., V. Ortiz & R. Scrosati (2005). Mauto (Lysiloma divaricatum, Fabaceae) allometry as an indicator of cattle grazing pressure in a tropical dry forest in northwestern Mexico. Rangeland Ecology and Management 58: 85-88. PDF Casas, G., R. Scrosati & M.L. Piriz (2004). The invasive kelp Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) reduces native seaweed diversity in Nuevo Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina). Biological Invasions 6: 411-416. PDF Steen, H. & R. Scrosati (2004). Intraspecific competition in Fucus serratus and F. evanescens (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) germlings: effects of settlement density, nutrient concentration, and temperature. Marine Biology 144: 61-70. PDF Scrosati, R. & B. Mudge (2004). Effects of elevation, wave exposure, and year on the proportion of gametophytes and tetrasporophytes in Mazzaella parksii (Rhodophyta, Gigartinaceae) populations. Hydrobiologia 520: 199-205. PDF Scrosati, R. & B. Mudge (2004). Persistence of gametophyte predominance in Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta, Gigartinaceae) from Nova Scotia after 12 years. Hydrobiologia 519: 215-218. PDF Zis, T., V. Ronningen & R. Scrosati (2004). Minor improvement for intertidal seaweeds and invertebrates after acid mine drainage diversion at Britannia Beach, Pacific Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48: 1040-1047. PDF Keppel, E. & R. Scrosati (2004). Chemically mediated avoidance of Hemigrapsus nudus (Crustacea) by Littorina scutulata (Gastropoda): effects of species coexistence and variable cues. Animal Behaviour 68: 915-920. PDF Heaven, C. & R. Scrosati (2004). Feeding preference of Littorina snails (Gastropoda) for bleached and photosynthetic tissues of the seaweed Mazzaella parksii (Rhodophyta). Hydrobiologia 513: 239-243. PDF Scrosati, R. (2004). Synchrony of frond dynamics among patches of the clonal seaweed Mazzaella parksii (Rhodophyta) at local spatial scale. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84: 883-886. PDF Scrosati, R. (2004). A discrete-time logistic model of frond dynamics for Mazzaella parksii (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales). Journal of Applied Phycology 16: 69-72. PDF Mudge, B. & R. Scrosati (2003). Effects of wave exposure on the proportion of gametophytes and tetrasporophytes of Mazzaella oregona (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales) from Pacific Canada. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83: 701-704. PDF Scrosati, R. (2002). An updated definition of genet applicable to clonal seaweeds, bryophytes, and vascular plants. Basic and Applied Ecology 3: 97-99. PDF Servière-Zaragoza, E. & R. Scrosati (2002). Reproductive phenology of Pterocladiella capillacea (Rhodophyta: Gelidiales) from southern Baja California, Mexico. Pacific Science 56: 285-290. PDF Scrosati, R. (2002). Morphological plasticity and apparent loss of apical dominance following the natural loss of the main apex in Pterocladiella capillacea (Rhodophyta, Gelidiales) fronds. Phycologia 41: 96-98. PDF Ladah, L. & R. Scrosati (2002). Predicting the effects of El Niño on seaweeds from Baja California, Mexico. Investigaciones Marinas 30 (1) suppl.: 149-150. Link Jamieson, G.S., R. Scrosati, C. Schwarz, C. Levings & B. Smiley (2002). Review of data quality and sampling protocols of the Shorekeepers Guide. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Research Document 2002/121: 1-42. PDF Scrosati, R. (2001). Demography of genets of clonal red seaweeds: current limitations and proposed solutions using genetic markers from experimental populations. Hidrobiológica 11: 149-155. PDF Scrosati, R. (2001). Population dynamics of Caulerpa sertularioides (Chlorophyta: Bryopsidales) from Baja California, Mexico, during El Niño and La Niña years. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 81: 721-726. PDF Scrosati, R. (2001). Interannual variation of the abundance of Mazzaella cornucopiae (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) from Pacific Canada in relation to changes in abiotic variables. Journal of Applied Phycology 13: 457-460. PDF Scrosati, R. (2001). Predicting the impact of El Niño on seaweeds from Baja California, Mexico. Marine Biological Association News 26: 11. 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